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The Rise of Brand Activism: Making a Social Impact

Aniko Branding, May 2 2024

What is Brand Activism? Brand activism involves brands taking a stance on social or political issues and actively working towards creating positive change. This can manifest in various forms, including: Cause Marketing: Brands partner with nonprofit organizations or social causes to raise awareness and funds for important issues. For example,...

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The Customer Profile / Avatar

Jay Kingman, November 2 2023

In the ever-evolving world of business, understanding your customers has never been more critical. Whether you're launching a new product, fine-tuning your marketing strategy, or enhancing your customer service, having a clear picture of your ideal customers can make all the difference. This is where customer profiles, often referred to as...

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Why having a brand story is important for your business or personal brand

Jay Kingman, October 6 2023

In today's competitive marketplace, it's more important than ever for businesses and personal brands to stand out from the crowd. One way to do this is to have a strong brand story. A brand story is a narrative that tells the world who you are, what you do, and why you do it. It's more than just a list of your products or services; it's a way to...

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What is Starbucks brand identity?

Jay Kingman, March 14 2023

One of the most well-known examples of a good brand identity is Starbucks, which is frequently inquired about at Aniko Branding. Starbucks has become a household name all over the world, and its success is greatly influenced by the strength of its brand identification. How would you define Starbucks' brand identity? It can be summed up as the...

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How to create a brand culture

Jay Kingman, February 28 2023

As a branding specialist, I cannot overstate how crucial culture is when creating a new brand. A company's identity and personality are built on its brand culture. Everyone in the organisation, from the top executives to the front-line staff, shares certain values, beliefs, actions, and attitudes. Building a devoted client base and achieving...

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What is an example of core identity of a brand?

Jay Kingman, February 18 2023

Today we're going to talk about the core identity of a brand. Exciting, right? I know you're on the edge of your seats already. So, what exactly is a core identity? Simply put, it's the heart and soul of a brand - the values, personality, and beliefs that define who the brand is and what it stands for. It's what makes a brand unique and...

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What are the 4 main components of visual brand identity?

Jay Kingman, February 18 2023

So, what is visual brand identity, you ask? Well, it's basically the collection of visual elements that represent a brand and make it instantly recognisable to consumers. It's all the stuff you see - the logo, the colour scheme, the fonts, and the images - that come together to create a cohesive look and feel that sets a brand apart from the...

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The Road to Success: Why Knowing Your Target Customer is Key

Jay Kingman, February 9 2023

Starting a business is no easy feat. It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to get it off the ground and running. But, unfortunately, many businesses still fail despite all the hard work that goes into creating them. Why is this the case? One major reason is that a lot of businesses don't know who their target customer

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Branding Your LinkedIn Business Page: A Guide to Make Your Company Stand Out!

Jay Kingman, February 8 2023

Are you looking to take your business to the next level on LinkedIn? Them look no further! This guide will show you how to brand your LinkedIn business page and make your company shine like a pro. So buckle up and let's get started! 1. Get Your Company Logo and Cover Photo on Point Your company logo and cover photo are the first things people see...

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Branding your LinkedIn page: A step-by-step guide with a touch of fun!

Jay Kingman, February 8 2023

LinkedIn is the ultimate playground for professionals, and your profile is the perfect opportunity to showcase you and your brand. Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or just looking to boost your personal brand, this guide will help you make the most of your LinkedIn page. So let's get

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